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~Further Reading~


Did you know not trimming your dogs nails regularly can lead to long-term health problems?  Learn about the simpler day-to-day health that is often overlooked or taken for granted in our furry friends.


Dog Breeders Shouldn’t Skip Testing for This Dangerous Disease

"Brucellosis is a contagious disease caused by the bacterium Brucella canis. It is one of the leading causes of infertility in breeding stock. It occurs worldwide, affects all kinds of dogs, purebred and not, and can also be transmitted from dogs to humans..."

Aug 21, 2015


Do the Dew(claws)?

"I have seen many dogs, especially field trial/hunt test and agility dogs, that have chronic carpal arthritis, frequently so severe that they must be retired or at least carefully managed for the rest of their careers. I noticed that very few of those dogs had dewclaws and began to wonder whether these appendages might, in fact, protect a dog from injuries. What I learned might surprise you."

Sep 30, 2019

Do the Dew(claws)?

A Canine Killer: Hemangiosarcoma in Dogs

"Hemangiosarcoma (HSA) is a blood vessel-based cancer mostly found only in dogs. Unfortunately, as with humans, cancer is the leading cause of natural death in dogs. Nearly 50 % of dogs who live beyond the age of 10 will contract some form of cancer. Some of these are easily curable or treatable. Hemangiosarcoma in dogs, however, is a very serious diagnosis."

A Canine Killer: Hemangiosarcoma in Dogs

Recognizing Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome

5 Signs of Dog Dimentia

"While your beloved senior dog can’t really forget where he put his car keys, it turns out that he is capable of experiencing “senior moments.” If your dog forgets the route on your daily walk or if he’s not enjoying the things he once did, like chasing after his favorite toy or greeting you at the door, he could be suffering from canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD), or the doggy version of Alzheimer’s."

Recognizing Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome

Canine Brucellosis On the Rise

"On May 29, 2019, canine brucellosis was reported to have been imported into Wisconsin in a group of 26 South Korean dogs legally brought into the U.S. through Canada. While the group was awaiting importation, one dog in the group died. Symptoms and gender of this dog have not been reported. However, a veterinarian in Canada tested this dog and found it was positive for canine brucellosis. By the time the test results were available, the dogs had already moved into a Wisconsin shelter and had been co-mingled with approximately 100 other dogs..."

22 June 2019

Canine Brucellosis On the Rise

Legal Weed’s A Growing Danger To Dogs,

So Keep Your Canine Out Of Your Cannabis

"Thirty-three states and the District of Columbia now have legalized pot in some form. And since Colorado ushered in recreational marijuana in 2014, nine more states and D.C. have followed. As weed has become easier for people to get, it has also become a hazard for dogs..."

21 June 2019

Legal Weed’s A Growing Danger To Dogs,

©2021 Quixotic Shepherds

Tyngsboro, Massachusetts

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