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"...mountains breed learned men and shepherds' huts house philosophers."
Quixotic "Sage" of Blueberry Hill

Quixotic Sage of Blueberry Hill
Sire: Green Mountain's Nelson (ESC-2147)
Dam: Middle Tree Farm's Ada DeVries (ESC-4933)
Breed: English Shepherd
Born: 15 July 2019
ESC Registration #: ESC-6084
UKC Registration #: P908-923
Color: Clear Sable & White Irish Spotting
Eyes: Light Brown
Tail: Full
Height: 20" at withers
MDR1: Clear by Parentage (Verified by Embark)
CEA: Normal/Normal (Clear - PawPrint Genetics)
DCM/PDK4: Normal/Normal (Clear - PawPrint Genetics)
PRA/PRCD: Clear by Parentage (Verified by Embark)
Full Embark Profile: DNA Profile
Genetic COI: 5%
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA)
CAER: Clear/Normal
Hips: Too Young
Distraction Index (DI): Right DI = 0.65, Left DI = 0.59.
Osteoarthritis (OA): No radiographic evidence of OA for either hip.
Cavitation/Other Findings: No cavitation present.
Sex: Female
Breeder: Joan McClenny
Dentition: Full Scissor
Dewclaws: Front only
Weight: 37.4 lbs
Elbows: Too Young
Patellas: Too Young
Nov. 2019 - AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Graduate (American K9 Country)
Dec. 2019 - Beginner Nose Work 1 Complete (All Dogs Gym)
Jan. 2020 - Basic Manners Complete (American K9 Country)
Jan.-Feb. 2020 - Beginner Nose Work 2 Complete (All Dogs Gym)
Feb.-Mar. 2020 - AKC Canine Good Citizen Class Complete (American K9 Country)
Feb. - Beginner Herding Lessons (Goats)
Mar.-Apr. 2020 - Intermediate Nose Work 1 Class (All Dogs Gym)
Mar. 2020 - Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Test Passed (American K9 Country)
Aug. 2020 - RATN - Novice Barn Hunt Title w/ (2) 1st place finishes, an (1) 2nd place finish with a "High In Class" Score for the day (out of 10 dogs) with a 31 second run.
Training & Accomplishments
Sage is sweet, biddable and resilient. She's always been a "thinker," considering new situations and people, but not fearing new experiences. Give her a moment to absorb, and she's good to go! She learns things amazingly quickly, and shows natural herding instincts. She is always close at hand, but is not afraid to work independently.
Officially, she is an Emotional Support Dog who provides grounding and Asperger's support, but she is being given the full training and socialization required to function as a service dog, and has done well through doctor, therapist, and dentist appointments, blood draws, sitting quietly under the table at outdoor seating at Starbucks, and shopping in various dog-friendly retail establishments.
She can be sassy and has a mischievous puppy-streak, but is "soft" and responds to gentle correction easily, intuitively understanding most of your desires. She can be a little shy and unsure of new training if she's not sure she's doing it right (because she wants to please!) but she learns very quickly when training is marked with a clicker, and shows she can "figure out" the next step of the trick/behavior without overstepping the mark or being too anticipatory.
In her nose work class, she takes a moment to settle and get her head into the "game," but then goes straight to the locations with scent. While hiking, she even led me to a duffle-bag full of clothing in the woods! She definitely has S.A.R. potential, if it weren't as much about the handler being outdoorsy and suited for S.A.R. work... ;-)
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Temperament & Personality