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"...mountains breed learned men and shepherds' huts house philosophers."
~Further Reading~

Sheepdog Psychology
Dogs can sometimes have head-scratching behaviors - especially the enigmatic and often humorous sheepdog! Wonder what makes your dog tick? What's he thinking when he does that?
Learning from experience is all in the timing
"Animals learn the hard way which sights, sounds, and smells are relevant to survival. New research in flies shows that the timing of these cues plays an important role in how mental associations arise, and elucidates brain pathways involved in this process."
26 June 2019
Long-term stress levels are synchronized in dogs and their owners
Nature International Journal of Science
"This study reveals, for the first time, an interspecific synchronization in long-term stress levels. Previously, acute stress, has been shown to be highly contagious both among humans and between individuals of other species. Here, long-term stress synchronization in dogs and their owners was investigated..."
6 June 2019